Welcome to the Biochemistry program at Queen's University.
Biochemistry is the branch of science that explores the structures and chemical processes of molecules in living organisms that interact to form cells, tissues and whole organisms. The Biochemistry program at Queen’s provides students with in-depth training in a wide range of important topics that are related to these processes, including the mechanisms of cancer progression, cellular communication, and the molecular and chemical basis of infection, inheritance and disease. The program also offers opportunities for students to explore rapidly expanding fields in molecular genetics, metabolism of biomolecules, bioengineering and regenerative medicine through hands-on training with professors in research labs.
The first year of the program provides vital background preparation in Chemistry (organic, analytical and physical), Molecular Biology, and Statistical Analysis, to understand the molecules that make up all living things. In the upper years of the program students receive in-depth exposure to all areas of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, including extensive hands-on laboratory experiences. The Biochemistry program has enough flexibility for students to take elective courses offered in other programs within the Faculty of Arts and Science, including the Life Sciences program, for which they are eligible.
The three year general degree plan (BSC-GEN), requires a concentration in Biochemistry with a minimum of eight Science courses.
Please browse our course offerings below.
Academic Inquires:
Undergraduate Program in Biochemistry
Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences
Room 815, Botterell Hall
Kingston, ON K7L 3N6
E-mail: biochem@queensu.ca
Visit the Associate Dean of Life Sciences and Biochemistry Web Page for further information